Champions of Destiny - Game 2
Round 2 - Vampire Counts vs Dwarfs So, in this game I was playing against Luke Stout and his Dwarf army. Again, not a good track record against dwarfs. My best game was when I scored 99 points more than my opponent in a friendly, 2 points short of a minor victory. Dwarfs, as most Warhammer players will know, are tough little S.O.B.s, especially when they are running a gun-line, as was the case in this game. To throw a little bit of story-line in here, my general was now upgraded to a Vampire Lord, having gained some power from the Black Coach (which, for this battle, was sitting off of the battlefield). My 2,000 point army was as follows. General: Luga Belosi - Vampire Lord Level 1 Wizard (Lore of Vampires) Heavy armour, barded nightmare Sword of Swift Slaying, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation Red Fury Vampire Level 2 Wizard (Lore of Shadow) Heavy armour, barded nightmare Book of Arkhan Quickblood Necromancer Level 1 Wizard (Lore of Vamp...