
Showing posts from June, 2017

Champions of Destiny - Game 3

Round 3 - Vampire Counts vs Dark Elves Onto the third game, where I was facing Julie Stevens army of Dark Elves. I don't think I've ever played against Dark Elves before. I've had them as allies in a couple of games, once whilst playing Vampire Counts and once with my trusty (but few) High Elves (both of which my ally and I won). I even had a go at playing Dark Elves against my son's Empire army in a Storm of Magic game, using proxies for the Dark Elves. That one didn't go too well for me. We were playing the Mad Mage scenario, and the mad mage and his moving tower kept moving towards MY units and zapping them with a horrible spell. I can't remember the name of the spell off hand, but it did 3d6 Strength 2d6 hits (ouch!) Anyway, back to the battle report. After the battle with the Dwarfs in round 2, my Vampire Lord had managed to return to the Black Coach in gaseous form and regenerate back to full strength. In both of the previous games, he had been de...